Investing To Advance The Future Of Education & Skilling In India

To bring together our work across education and skilling, mapping the journey of India’s students from the classroom to the workforce, we have announced a three-year partnership with the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship to empower students, educators, and entrepreneurs across India.  Under the partnership, we have signed three…

New Features and Additional Transparency Measures as the Digital Services Act Comes Into Effect

Later this month, the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA), one of the most comprehensive pieces of internet regulation, will begin to fully apply to Facebook, Instagram and a number of other tech platforms and services. It is a big deal not just for European tech companies but for all tech companies that operate in…

Groundbreaking Studies Could Help Answer the Thorniest Questions About Social Media and Democracy

As social media platforms have empowered people to connect with others, express themselves freely, and build and be part of borderless communities, online political debate has erupted. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have become a stage for democratic debate – between citizens, between candidates and voters, and for campaigners and advocacy groups. Much of that…

Statement of Support for Meta’s Open Approach to Today’s AI

“We support an open innovation approach to AI. Responsible and open innovation gives us all a stake in the AI development process, bringing visibility, scrutiny and trust to these technologies. Opening today’s Llama models will let everyone benefit from this technology.” Jonathan Abrahamson, Chief Product and Digital Officer, Deutsche Telekom Wole Abu, Chief Executive Officer,…