The donation will contribute towards UNICEF’s mission to lead on the delivery of two billion COVID-19 vaccines around the world on behalf of the global COVAX Facility. The Foundation has committed £1 million to the COVID-19 response since the pandemic hit in March 2020, of which the £50,000 donation to the VaccinAid campaign could fund the cold chain equipment needed to deliver more than 550,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine around the world. The cold chain refers to precisely co-ordinated events in temperature-controlled environments to store, manage and transport these life-saving products. On behalf of the global COVAX Facility, UNICEF is working with manufacturers and partners on the procurement of two billion COVID-19 vaccine doses, as well as freight, logistics and storage. UNICEF is leading the procurement for COVID-19 vaccines for 191 countries, as well as on the delivery of the vaccines for 92 low- and lower middle-income countries. Together, these represent more than four-fifths of the world’s population. In addition, UNICEF is working with partners to ensure that low- and middle-income countries have access to the tests and treatments for COVID-19 that will help to bring the pandemic to an end.